The images I will show here allude to a place, are a place, but become snippets of past existence; dispersed, but persistent. Perhaps memory best describes what I do and what defines me.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
I have always been fascinated with dictionary pictures . . . the hard dark lines that image language. I am especially fond of the accompanying notations that flit about the drawing; (a) e. See. . . References to parts of a whole (1 - 7 with a legend below). Black and White/Stark and Bold; clear delineation. But there is also the vivid flush and hue; cream atop the milk; blush on the cheek.
My work leans towards the autobiographical. My camera provides the raw material which I process with drawing, paint, and collage. I love collage because it allows randomness. I begin with an image or object and react to it with paint, pencil, or glue. I pause, rework, cut, glue again, more paint, re-photograph, re-collage, scan and rework. I peel and sandwich. The image lies on top of its arrangement, not behind in its conception